Opss! Sobrance has no home matches registered on the eDayFm yet!
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Sobrance is a town in Košice Region, Slovakia, around 15 kilometres (9 miles) from Uzhhorod, Ukraine, and 22 kilometres (14 miles) east of Michalovce. Located in the Eastern Slovak Lowland not far from the Vihorlat Mountains, it is the easternmost town in Slovakia.

Sobrance District

Sobrance District is a district in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia. It is the easternmost district of the Košice Region.


Sobranie is a brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by Gallaher Group, a subsidiary of Japan Tobacco.

Sobral, Ceará
Sobral, Ceará

Sobral is a municipality in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Sobral is the fifth largest municipality of Ceará, after Fortaleza.

Sobrante Ridge Regional Park

Sobrante Ridge Regional Park, or simply Sobrante Ridge, is a regional park of the East Bay Regional Parks District in Richmond, California. It covers 277 acres and protects the extremely endangered Alameda Manzanita, a native plant of the area.

Sobrante Ridge Regional Preserve
Sobrante Ridge Regional Preserve

Sobrante Ridge Regional Preserve is a regional park in Contra Costa County, California near Richmond and is part of the East Bay Regional Parks (EBRPD) system.

Sobrante Park, Oakland, California

Sobrante Park is a neighborhood located in East Oakland, California, which is partially separated from the rest of the city by two railroad tracks and San Leandro Creek. It was built shortly after World War II, first as a White-Only Lockout and then gradually becoming a White flight red-zone in the mid to late 1950s, and in the early 1960s it became a working-class black neighborhood.

Sobrante, California
Sobrante, California

Sobrante is an unincorporated community in Contra Costa County, California, United States. It is located on the Southern Pacific Railroad 1 mile southeast of Pinole Point, at an elevation of 23 feet (7 m).


Sobrače is a village in the upper valley of the Temenica River in the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica in central Slovenia. The area is part of the historical region of Lower Carniola.

The Sobrance's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Sobrance's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!