Opss! Sirocco has no away matches on the eDayFm!
Opss! Sirocco has no scheduled matches on the eDayFm!

Details & Similar Teams

Sirocco Works F.C.

Sirocco Works Football Club is a Northern Irish intermediate football club playing in Division 1A of the Northern Amateur Football League. Established in 1924, the club is the longest existing club in all the intermediate and junior divisions in Northern Ireland.


Sirocco, scirocco, , jugo or, rarely, siroc is a Mediterranean wind that comes from the Sahara and can reach hurricane speeds in North Africa and Southern Europe, especially during the summer season.

Sirocco (disambiguation)

Sirocco is a Mediterranean wind.

Sirocco (film)

Sirocco is a 1951 American film noir directed by Curtis Bernhardt and written by A.I. Bezzerides and Hans Jacoby. It is based on the novel Coup de Grace written by Joseph Kessel.

Sirocco (Australian band)

Sirocco is an Australian music group that began in 1980 with three musicians: Bill O'Toole, Guy Madigan and Andrew de Teliga. In 1981 Michael Atherton joined and the group recorded their first album Paths of the Wind.

Sirocco (album)

Sirocco is the second album from Australian rock band Australian Crawl. It was released in July 1981 and on 3 August, it topped the Australian charts where it remained for six weeks, the band's first of two albums to hit #1.


Siroccopteryx is an extinct genus of pterodactyloid pterosaur, known from middle Cretaceous sediments in Morocco. Some researchers, such as David Unwin, consider the genus a junior synonym of Coloborhynchus.

Sirocco (restaurant)
Sirocco (restaurant)

Sirocco is a restaurant, on the 63rd floor of the State Tower in Bangkok, Thailand, the fourth tallest building in Thailand. The 150-cover restaurant opened in the winter of 2003.

Sirocco station

Sirocco station is a CTrain light rail station in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is the fifth station of the West Line .

Sirocco (parrot)
Sirocco (parrot)

Sirocco is a kakapo, a large nocturnal parrot, and one of the few remaining kakapo in the world. He achieved individual fame following an incident on the BBC television series Last Chance to See in which he attempted to mate with zoologist Mark Carwardine.

The Sirocco's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Sirocco's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!