Opss! Rhydymwyn has no home matches registered on the eDayFm yet!
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Details & Similar Teams

Rhydymwyn F.C.

Rhydymwyn F.C. are a football club form Rhydymwyn, Wales. They are members of the Welsh National League and play at Dolfechlas Road.


Rhydymwyn is a village in Flintshire, Wales, located in the upper Alyn valley. Once a district of Mold, it was recognised as a separate parish from 1865.

Rhydymwyn railway station

Rhydymwyn railway station was a station in Rhydymwyn, Flintshire, Wales. The station was opened on 6 September 1869, closed to passengers on 30 April 1962 and closed completely on 4 May 1964.

M. S. Factory, Valley

The M.S. Factory, Valley was a Second World War site in Rhydymwyn, Flintshire, Wales, that was used for the storage and production of mustard gas. It was later also used in the development of the UK's atomic bomb project.

The Rhydymwyn's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Rhydymwyn's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!