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Details & Similar Teams

Okinawa SV

Okinawa Sport-Verein is a football (soccer) club based in Uruma, which is located in Okinawa Prefecture in Japan. They play in the Kyushu Soccer League, which is part of Japanese Regional Leagues.

Okinawa Seidokan

Okinawa Seidokan is a style of Okinawa classical karate and Kobudo founded in 1984 by Shian Toma. It is a synthesis of the Shorin Ryu katas, Motobu Ryu two-person open hand grappling and weapons techniques, and kobudo katas mostly of the Ryukyu Kobudo lineages.

Johan Gielen
Johan Gielen

Johan Gielen ]) is a trance artist, DJ, and remixer. He was born on 23 February 1968 in the town of Mol, Belgium.

Okinawa Shogaku High School

Okinawa Shogaku High School is a middle school and high school in the Kokuba district of Naha, Okinawa. Okisho, as it is called, is known for its performance in high school baseball tournaments, including its wins in 1999 and 2008.

Okinawa soba
Okinawa soba

Okinawa soba is a type of noodle produced in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Okinawa soba is a regional collective trademark of The Okinawa Noodle Manufacturing Co-op.

Okinawa Social Mass Party
Okinawa Social Mass Party

Okinawa Social Mass Party is a local political party in Okinawa, Japan. The party's name is abbreviated as Social Mass Party (社会大衆党, Shakai Taishū-tō) or Shadai-tō (社大党).

Okinawa Senseki Quasi-National Park
Okinawa Senseki Quasi-National Park

Okinawa Senseki Quasi-National Park is a Quasi-National Park around the battlefields of south Okinawa, Japan. It was established as a Prefectural Park in 1965 and redesignated with the return of Okinawa to Japanese administration in 1972.

Okinawa at-large district

The Okinawa at-large district is a constituency of the House of Councillors in the Diet of Japan . It consists of the entire prefecture of Okinawa and was created in 1970 following the agreement between US president Richard Nixon and prime minister Eisaku Satō on restoration of Japanese sovereignty over the Ryūkyū islands.

Okinawa Shrine
Okinawa Shrine

Okinawa Shrine is a Shinto shrine in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Established at the end of the Taishō period on the site of Shuri Castle, the main hall of which was reused as the haiden (hall of worship), the shrine buildings were destroyed in May 1945 during the Battle of Okinawa.

Okinawa's Diet electoral districts
Okinawa's Diet electoral districts

Okinawa currently sends 8 elected members to the Diet of Japan, 6 to the House of Representatives and 2 to the House of Councillors.

The Okinawa SV's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Okinawa SV's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!