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NK Bistra

NK Bistra is a Croatian football club based in Donja Bistra, village part of Bistra municipality, located just north-west of the Croatian capital Zagreb.

NK Istra 1961

Nogometni Klub Istra 1961 , commonly referred to as NK Istra 1961 or simply Istra 1961, is a football club from Pula, Croatia, currently playing in the Croatian First Division. The football club NK Uljanik from which the club originates was founded in 1948.

NK Istra

Nogometni Klub Istra , commonly referred to as NK Istra or simply Istra, is a Croatian football club, from the city of Pula. The club currently plays in the fifth level of the Croatian league system but Istra has also played in the Prva HNL (1991–1997 and 1999–2000).

NK Bistrica (Slovenska Bistrica)

Nogometni Klub Bistrica , commonly referred to as NK Bistrica or simply Bistrica, is a Slovenian football club, which plays in the town of Slovenska Bistrica. The club was established in 1958.

The NK Bistra's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of NK Bistra's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!