Kakkosen A-lohkon ottelun kohokohdat. Pisteet jäivät Bollikselle viime hetken osumalla. Haastattelussa voittomaalin tekijä Muslim ...
Kakkosen A-lohkon ottelun kohokohdat. Haastattelussa Tuomas Saarikko. Maalit: 1:30 0-1 Joona Tukiainen (13') Seuraa Kiffeniä ...
Miesten Kakkosen peli PPJ vs NJS Jätkäsaaren tn perjantaina 5.5.2023 klo 19:00.
Palaute on aina hyvästä, sitä voit laittaa sähköpostiin: karpottv@gmail.com https://www.karpot.tv.
Miesten Kakkonen (22.4.2023). NJS - JIPPO 0-1 (0-1) 0-1 Victor de Paula.
Pikkuteaseri eiliseltä, katso koko kooste kanavaltamme! ⚪️⚫️ #asennepunaisella #JIPPO #JIPPOperhe #JIPPOjoensuu ...
Nurmijärven Jalkapalloseura is a football club from Nurmijärvi, Finland. The club was formed in 2004 following the amalgamation of Nurmijärven Nateva and FC Nurmijärvi.
NJS may refer to
The NJSA Government College or Nawab Jassa Singh Ahluwalia Government College, also known as the Randhir College, is a college situated in Kapurthala, in Punjab. Established in 1856 by Maharaja Randir Singh in Kapurthala State as Sanskrit vidyalya, it has many historical buildings used for public services such as district courts, education, and health services.
The NJSIAA crowns state champions in three categories; Private, Public A, and Public B. Through 1994, public and private schools played in one state tournament; however, private schools dominated the tournament due to their ability to recruit the best players in the state without geographical limitation. Beginning in 1995, the NJSIAA held separate private and public tournaments, crowning a private and public champion, with these champions playing each other for the overall state championship.
A joint-stock company is a business entity in which shares of the company's stock can be bought and sold by shareholders. Each shareholder owns company stock in proportion, evidenced by their shares .
In the U.S. state of New Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Transportation maintains a system of state highways. Every significant section of roadway maintained by the state is assigned a number, officially State Highway Route X but commonly called Route X by the NJDOT and the general public.
The New Jersey State Police , is the official state police force of the U.S. state of New Jersey. It is a general-powers police agency with statewide jurisdiction, designated by Troop Sectors.
The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association is an association of hundreds of New Jersey high schools that regulates high school athletics and holds tournaments and crowns champions in high school sports.
The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra is an American symphony orchestra based in the state of New Jersey. The NJSO is the state orchestra of New Jersey, performing concert series in six venues across the state, and is the resident orchestra of the New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) in Newark, New Jersey.
Naftogaz of Ukraine is the national oil and gas company of Ukraine. It is a state-owned company subordinated to the Government of Ukraine.
The NJS's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of NJS's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!