Opss! Karlsfeld has no away matches on the eDayFm!
Opss! Karlsfeld has no scheduled matches on the eDayFm!

Details & Similar Teams


Karlsfeld is a municipality in the district of Dachau, in Bavaria, Germany. During World War II, it was the location of a subcamp of Dachau concentration camp.

Karlsfeld station
Karlsfeld station

Karlsfeld station is a railway station in the municipality of Karlsfeld, located in the district of Dachau in Upper Bavaria, Germany.

Erik Axel Karlfeldt
Erik Axel Karlfeldt

Erik Axel Karlfeldt was a Swedish poet whose highly symbolist poetry masquerading as regionalism was popular and won him the Nobel Prize in Literature posthumously in 1931 after he had been nominated by Nathan Söderblom, member of the Swedish Academy. It has been rumored that he had been offered, but declined, the award already in 1919.

Karl Seldahl

Karl Joni Seldahl is a Swedish film and theatre director and former child actor. He studied at Dramatiska Institutet.

The Karlsfeld's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Karlsfeld's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!