Evropska sezona se je končala z drugim porazom proti turškemu velikanu. Tekma pred polnimi tribunami je postregla z veliko ...
Na prvi tekmi tretjega kroga kvalifikacij za evropsko konferenčno ligo poraz z 1:3, ampak vijol'čna četa se je z odločno igro ...
Fenerbahçe'nin Konferans Ligi 3. ön eleme turundaki rakibi Maribor, Slovenya'nın majör takımlarından biri olarak kabul ediliyor.
Povratna tekma z luksemburškim pokalnim zmagovalcem je postala dramatična tekma, polna preobratov, s srečnim zaključkom in ...
Konferans liginde rövanşı 4-3 kazanan Maribor, Fenerbahçe'nin rakibi oldu. #pleasesubscribe #aboneol #conference #football ...
Maribor Vs #FC /Differdange (3-3) #Goals By #Kolar , #Repas , #Brnic , #Erico , #Guillaume All Goals.
Foussballclub Déifferdeng 03 is a football club, based in Differdange, in south-western Luxembourg.
Team Team Differdange–Geba is a continental cycling team, based in Luxembourg. The team participates in UCI Continental Circuits races.
Differdange is a commune with town status in south-western Luxembourg, 17 miles (27 km) west from the country's capital. It lies near the borders with Belgium and France and it is located in the canton of Esch-sur-Alzette.
Differdange railway station is a railway station serving Differdange, in south-western Luxembourg. It is operated by Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois, the state-owned railway company.
Differdange communal council is the local council for the commune of Differdange, in south-western Luxembourg. It consists of seventeen members, elected every six years by proportional representation.
Differdange Castle , located on a hill in the centre of Differdange in southern Luxembourg, was built in 1577 although an earlier fortified castle of Differdange dates from around 1310. Today's residential château is used by Miami University.
The Differdange's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Differdange's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!