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Denzlingen is a municipality in the district of Emmendingen, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated 8 kilometres north of Freiburg.

Denzlingen station
Denzlingen station

Denzlingen station is a station in Denzlingen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It lies on the Rhine Valley Railway at the junction with the Elz Valley Railway , which runs to Elzach.

Denklingen (Reichshof)
Denklingen (Reichshof)

Denklingen is one of 107 localities that make up the German municipality of Reichshof in Oberbergischer Kreis. It is part of the region of Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia.


Denklingen is a municipality in the district of Landsberg in Bavaria in Germany. The former municipality of Epfach, which has a history back to the Roman period, is now part of Denklingen.

Denklingen Castle
Denklingen Castle

Denklingen Castle is a historic building in the Denklingen district of Reichshof in the Oberbergischer Kreis of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

The Denzlingen's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Denzlingen's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!