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Cven may refer to:

Cven, Ljutomer

Cven is a village in the Municipality of Ljutomer in eastern Slovenia. The area traditionally belonged to the Styria region and is now included in the Mura Statistical Region.


Cvent Holding Corp. is a publicly held software-as-a-service (SaaS) company based in Virginia that specializes in meetings, events, and hospitality management technology.

C. V. Raman
C. V. Raman

Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman FRS was an Indian physicist known for his work in the field of light scattering. Using a spectrograph that he developed, he and his student K. S. Krishnan discovered that when light traverses a transparent material, the deflected light changes its wavelength and frequency.

USS Enterprise (CV-6)
USS Enterprise (CV-6)

USS Enterprise was a Yorktown-class carrier built for the United States Navy during the 1930s. She was the seventh U.S. Navy vessel of that name.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures. The United States' National Cybersecurity FFRDC, operated by The Mitre Corporation, maintains the system, with funding from the US National Cyber Security Division of the US Department of Homeland Security.

Cvetković–Maček Agreement

The Cvetković–Maček Agreement , also known simply as the Sporazum in English-language histories, was a political compromise on internal divisions in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. It was settled on August 26, 1939, by Yugoslav prime minister Dragiša Cvetković (an ethnic Serb) and by Vladko Maček, a Croat politician.

Polyphlebium venosum
Polyphlebium venosum

Polyphlebium venosum, the veined bristle-fern or bristle filmy fern, is a fern in the family Hymenophyllaceae. It is only found in wet forests, mainly growing as an epiphyte on the shady side of the soft tree fern, Dicksonia antartica.

C. Venkataraman Sundaram

Chokkanathapuram Venkataraman Sundaram was an Indian chemical metallurgist, best known for the commissioning of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor at Kalpakkam. He was the director of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR).

C. Venkata S. Ram

C. Venkata S. Ram is an expert in the treatment of high blood pressure. Presently, he is serving as the director of blood pressure clinics and institute for blood pressure management at Apollo Hospitals, and Apollo Medical College, Hyderabad, India.

The Cven's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Cven's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!