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Details & Similar Teams

Brazil women's national football team

The Brazil women's national football team represents Brazil in women's association football and is run by the Brazilian Football Confederation . It has participated in eight editions of the FIFA Women's World Cup, finishing as runner-up in 2007, and seven editions of the Copa América Femenina.

Brazil women's national handball team

The Brazil women's national handball team is the national team of Brazil. It is governed by the Confederação Brasileira de Handebol and takes part in international handball competitions.

Brazil women's national volleyball team
Brazil women's national volleyball team

The Brazil women's national volleyball team is administrated by the Confederação Brasileira de Voleibol and takes part in international volleyball competitions. It is ranked fourth in the FIVB World Rankings as of August 2016.

Brazil women's national basketball team

The Brazil women's national basketball team won the 1994 FIBA World Championship for Women in Australia.

Brazil women's national water polo team
Brazil women's national water polo team

The Brazil women's national water polo team represents Brazil in international women's water polo competitions and friendly matches.

Brazil women's national rugby sevens team

The Brazil women's national rugby sevens team has appeared in the Olympics, the Rugby World Cup, the Women's Sevens Series, and other competitions.

Brazil women's national goalball team

Brazil women's national goalball team is the women's national team of Brazil. It takes part in international goalball competitions.

Brazil women's national under-20 football team

The Brazil U-20 women's national soccer team is a youth soccer team operated under the Brazilian Football Confederation. Its primary role is the development of players in preparation for the Brazil women's national football team.

Brazil women's national under-17 football team

The Brazil U-17 women's national football team is an international youth football team. Its primary role is the development of players in preparation for the Brazil women's national football team.

Brazil women's national cricket team
Brazil women's national cricket team

The Brazil women's national cricket team represents the country of Brazil in women's cricket matches. In April 2018, the International Cricket Council granted full Women's Twenty20 International (WT20I) status to all its members.

The Brazil W's Football team activities page. Related with social media posts of Brazil W's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!