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Kaufering is a municipality in the district of Landsberg in Bavaria in Germany. During World War II, a subcamp of Dachau concentration camp was located there.

Kaufering concentration camp complex
Kaufering concentration camp complex

Kaufering was a system of eleven subcamps of the Dachau concentration camp located around the town of Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria, which operated between 18 June 1944 and 27 April 1945. Previously, Nazi Germany had deported all Jews from the Reich, but having exhausted other sources of labor, Jews were deported to Kaufering to create three massive underground bunkers, Weingut II, Diana II, and Walnuss II, which would not be vulnerable to the Allied bombing which had devastated German aircraft factories.

Kaufering station
Kaufering station

Kaufering station is the station of the market town of Kaufering in the Upper Bavarian district of Landsberg am Lech. The station has five platform tracks and is classified by Deutsche Bahn as a category 4 station.

The Kaufering's Floorball team activities page. Related with social media posts of Kaufering's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!