UC Irvine Anteaters Womens Basketball Team Activity Highlights on Social Media

UC Irvine Women's Basketball vs. UC San Diego || Highlights || 2/16/2022
UC Irvine Women's Basketball vs. UC San Diego || Highlights || 2/16/2022

The UC Irvine women's basketball team got out to a quick start and never looked back in a 67-50 win over UC San Diego Tuesday ...

UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball
UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball

UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball Watch Live Stream.HD : http://ccx-local.com/basketball.php Today's ...

UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball
UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball

UC Irvine vs Grand Canyon - Women's Basketball Watch Live Stream.HD : http://ccx-local.com/basketball.php Today's ...

Details & Similar Teams

UC Irvine Anteaters women's basketball
UC Irvine Anteaters women's basketball

The UC Irvine Anteaters women's basketball team is the basketball team that represents the University of California, Irvine.

The UC Irvine Anteaters Womens Basketball's Basketball team activities page. Related with social media posts of UC Irvine Anteaters Womens Basketball's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!