McGill Team Activity Highlights on Social Media

EN DIRECT | BASKETBALL F | Demi-finale RSEQ : McGill c. Rouge et Or
EN DIRECT | BASKETBALL F | Demi-finale RSEQ : McGill c. Rouge et Or

c. @McGillAthletics PEPS.

Volleyball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill
Volleyball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill

Volleyball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill.

Basketball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill
Basketball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill

Basketball féminin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Martlets de l'Université McGill.

Basketball masculin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Redbirds de l'Université McGill
Basketball masculin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Redbirds de l'Université McGill

Basketball masculin : les Citadins de l'UQAM reçcoivent les Redbirds de l'Université McGill.

Women's Hockey vs McGill
Women's Hockey vs McGill

Carleton women's hockey host Montreal in RSEQ women's hockey live from the Carleton Ice House on January 12, 2024.

Details & Similar Teams


McGill is a surname of Scottish and Irish origin, from which the names of many places and organizations are derived.

McGill University

McGill University is a public research university in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was established in 1821 by royal charter, granted by King George IV. The university bears the name of James McGill, a Montreal merchant originally from Scotland whose bequest in 1813 formed the university's precursor, McGill College.

McGillicuddy Serious Party

The McGillicuddy Serious Party was a satirical political party in New Zealand in the late 20th century. Between 1984 and 1999, it provided "colour" to ensure that citizens not take the political process too seriously.

McGill University Faculty of Law
McGill University Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is one of the professional graduate schools of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. It is the oldest law school in Canada, and continually ranks among the best law schools in the world.

McGill University Faculty of Medicine
McGill University Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine is one of the constituent faculties of McGill University. It was established in 1829 after the Montreal Medical Institution was incorporated into McGill College as the College's first faculty; it was the first medical faculty to be established in Canada.

McGill University Solarcar Team
McGill University Solarcar Team

McGill University's Solar Car Team was composed of students from the faculties of Engineering and Computer Science. From 1990 - 2010, the team designed, built, tested and raced 3 generations of solar vehicles in international competitions.

McGill and McGill Martlets

The McGill Team and McGill Martlets are the athletic teams that represent McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

McGill University Faculty of Engineering
McGill University Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering is one of the constituent faculties of the McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in chemical, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, bio-engineering, materials and mining engineering, as well as the schools of architecture and urban planning. The faculty also teaches courses in bio-resource engineering and in biomedical engineering (Faculty of Medicine) at the masters level.

McGill University School of Computer Science
McGill University School of Computer Science

The School of Computer Science is an academic department in the Faculty of Science at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The school is the second most funded computer science department in Canada.

McGill's Bus Services
McGill's Bus Services

McGill's Bus Services is a bus operator based in West Central Scotland. The company headquarters are situated in Greenock, Inverclyde.

The McGill's Basketball team activities page. Related with social media posts of McGill's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!