Opss! Ciney has no away matches on the eDayFm!
Opss! Ciney has no scheduled matches on the eDayFm!

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Ciney is a Walloon city and municipality located in the Belgian province of Namur. On January 1, 2006, Ciney had a total population of 14,958.

Ciney (beer)
Ciney (beer)

The Ciney is a Belgian beer native to town of Ciney. Ciney is brewed in the brewery Alken-Maes.

Ciney Gurung

Ciney Gurung is a singer, composer, and songwriter from Nepal. She began her career with the hit songs "Timro Mayama" and "Mann".


Cineyug Entertainment Private limited is a Mumbai-based premier entertainment company engaged in Commercial Movie Production, Live Concerts and Arena Events, Large scale Award functions, Brand Management and Networking Events, Production of Television Software, Live TV shows etc. The company was founded by Mohomed Morani Karim Morani, along with Aly Morani, Mazhar Nadiadwala and late Bunty Soorma.

Cinema of the United States
Cinema of the United States

The cinema of the United States, often metonymously referred to as Hollywood, has had a profound effect on the film industry in general since the early 20th century. The dominant style of American cinema is classical Hollywood cinema, which developed from 1917 to 1960 and characterizes most films made there to this day.


Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavouring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savoury dishes, breakfast cereals, snackfoods, tea and traditional foods.

Cinema of India

The Cinema of India consists of films produced in the nation of India. Cinema is immensely popular in India, with as many as 1,600 films produced in various languages every year.

Cinema of China
Cinema of China

The cinema of China is one of three distinct historical threads of Chinese-language cinema together with the cinema of Hong Kong and the cinema of Taiwan. Cinema was introduced in China in 1896 and the first Chinese film, The Battle of Dingjunshan, was made in 1905, with the film industry being centered on Shanghai in the first decades.

Cinema of Pakistan
Cinema of Pakistan

The Cinema of Pakistan or Pakistani cinema refers to the filmmaking industry in Pakistan. Pakistan is home to several film studios centres, primarily located in its two largest cities - Karachi and Lahore.

Çine, Yüreğir

Çine is a village in the District of Yüreğir, Adana Province, Turkey.

The Ciney's Basketball team activities page. Related with social media posts of Ciney's games and scheduled events. Match records planned for future dates as well as home and away matches. Plan a trip and experience the excitement of the match on the spot!