The LEGITIMATE CURSE OF ERIK KARLSSON… San Jose Sharks, Pittsburgh Penguins, Ottawa Senators News
The LEGITIMATE CURSE OF ERIK KARLSSON… San Jose Sharks, Pittsburgh Penguins, Ottawa Senators News

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What can Penguins do with struggling Jeff Carter? | How can Erik Karlsson find another gear?
What can Penguins do with struggling Jeff Carter? | How can Erik Karlsson find another gear?

On their weekly Penguins podcast, Post-Gazette insiders Matt Vensel and Andrew Destin analyze the Jeff Carter situation.

Penguins out swim the Sharks, are things getting back on track?
Penguins out swim the Sharks, are things getting back on track?

The Pittsburgh Penguins got back in the win column on Saturday night in a big way, but are things fully back on track? Hunter and ...

Episode #119: The San Jose Sharks Tank... Again
Episode #119: The San Jose Sharks Tank... Again

The San Jose Sharks give up another 10 goals in a game. This time to the Penguins. In this episode I discuss their terrible ...

What's Next For The San Jose Sharks After Another Blowout?
What's Next For The San Jose Sharks After Another Blowout?

The San Jose Sharks responded to a 10-1 game by giving up ten goals to the Pittsburgh Penguins. Something has to change now ...

November to Remember in Sharks Territory
November to Remember in Sharks Territory

Show starts at (1:08) The #1 Trending Live Stream in Sharks Territory! On this episode of Shark City Unfiltered, we reflect and ...

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